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Note: Changes in NZBGet 11.0 broke PPWeb post processing. Only versions 0.7 - 10.2 of NZBGet work with PPWeb. While I still use PPWeb ('17), development was discontinued some time ago.
PPWeb is a complete web based Usenet application built around NZBGet and NzbgetWeb. PPWeb allows you to browse, track, manage and fully automate newsgroup downloads. PPWeb can automatically check for new nzb's matching TV show and movie watch list entries, download, queue and prioritize any matching nzb's to categories, download the nzb contents (or sample it and then resume or delete it), extract and repair any archives, move wanted files to desired locations and delete any unwanted files.
Nzb's can also be queued with a single click from local browse and search result pages, or directly from newznab sites. All categories at all supported nzb sites can be browsed and searched. TV and video browse pages are updated automatically when PPWeb checks for new nzb's at scheduled intervals. PPWeb currently supports Nzbsorg, Nzbtv, Nzbsin, Nzbsu, Dognzb, Pwnzb and Binsearch. Its fairly easy to add/support any Newznab based site and I'll add any that allow free RSS/API access (however limited).
PPWeb keeps a few simple databases. It keeps a small (e.g. 359KB after 9+ years) searchable database of all downloads. While it's primary purpose is dupe prevention, the editable entries include download status, links to TV (show/episode) or movie info and a description field. The other databases cache movie and TV info (quicker episode title look-ups, etc.).
PPWeb is designed to be setup, configured and maintained using the web interface. PPWeb includes a slightly modified NzbgetWeb and is pre-configured to be self-contained and as easy to get going with as possible. PPWeb is written in Perl and should work on any *nix system. While I use it on the private side of a public server, PPWeb seems to be used on routers and NAS appliances more than anything else.
Web server (apache, lighttpd, etc.)
CGI.pm (perl-cgi pkg, sometimes included w/ perl pkg)
LWP::UserAgent (perl-libwww pkg)
NZBGet binary
PHP (php/php-cgi pkg) - NzbgetWeb only
unzip (unzip pkg)
unrar (unrar/rarlinux pkg... unrar-free only if --help includes kb switch)
par2 (par2cmdline/par2 pkg)
svn (svn/subversion pkg) - auto update only
see also: Perl Modules
related: WFNzb
Changes are now in the svn log.
Added optional status.log and NzbgetWeb PP status block
Added program variables to ppweb.conf/cft (allows /path/to/prog)
Fixed inadvertently deleted line in last update (found by supergills)
Fix NzbMatrix search (their keyword highlighting broke it)
WFNzb auto updates no longer mark old entries as 'seen' (grayed)
Added "Mark seen" links to go with the above (manual updates do it automatically)
Added ep title lookup to split nzb function (if EpTitle=yes)
Constrained Db lookup for missed eps to current season (was all/any)
Added 'Sn( )En(n)' format to title parser (another nzbs.org anomaly)
WFNzb and the Db now support season entries ('Show sNN', watch/seen)
When Show sNN is added to Db, any matching 'Show nnn' listings/nfos are deleted
Changed how nested rars are handled to prevent potential same name overwriting
Added HoldDir option for auto downloaded nzbs (TvNzbs and VidNzbs)
Added season bundles to TV watch (sNN for 'last ep', splitable nzb saved to HoldDir)
Added missing NzbsRus 'downloads left' log message (reported by supergills)
A final PP message is now sent to nzbget(web) even when NzbgetLevel < 3
Added WFNzb "Update this page" function/links
WFNzb manual site updates now return to site default page
Added year field to WFNzb video watch list (existing lists will be auto updated)
Fixes for per collection remote par fetch/repair (unpause and parent par name)
Consolidated some duplicate watch list functions - many more to go :(
Fix for .1 files not being deleted (side effect of par-less rar set fix)
Added Nzbs.Org to WFNzb (supergills helped w/ testing/fixes)
Added remote extraction links for delayed remote sample processing
Fixed watch list missing new episodes when titles have SnnEnnEnn labels
Fixed remote par-fetch not finding par-names containing special characters
Fixed potential par-less rar set extraction failures (reported by supergills)
Fixed WFNzb choking on KB sized nzb site listings
Fixed potentially erroneous NzbMatrix 'downloads left' count (typo found by supergills)
Fixed DelExt's not always deleted (found by supergills)
Relaxed remote par-fetch regex to allow for lying nzb's (quoted file-names != actual)
Added SaveExt 'all' option.
Added optional TV episode title lookups to Rename (EpTitle)
Added sorting to hold directory listing
Added NzbSplit function to hold directory (multiple TV episodes > individual)
Redid log viewing functions, e.g. views default to page bottom (latest entries)
Remote extraction logging is now merged with main ppweb.log
Reformatted configuration file can be edited from NZBGetWeb
Download db is now category/nzb based (was ext/file based)
Remote extraction is now collection based and setup has been simplified
Added scan option for all PPWeb handled nzbs (NzbDirInterval can be 0)
... lots of other changes including the addition of the WFNzb scripts
Added ShowDates nzb auto rename (Show nnn - ep title)
Fixed remote extraction bug (multiple collections)
Fixed avimerge bug (misplaced trigger)
Added TvDir - automated sub-directories for TV series (none/all/list)
Added remote processing for custom samples (SampleDir enables)
Fix for remote repair bug (_brokenlog) also speeds up remote repair
Added remote post processing (includes par check/repair when needed)
Added NZBGet queue cleanup (unused par removal)
Added support for archives containing multiple nzb's (untested)
Added some debug messages and tweaked a few things
Requires NZBGet >= 0.6.0-testing-r247
Categories now use nzb/subdirectory autoqueue (VS nzb/nzb-name category.nzb)
All nzb's are now preprocessed and autoqueued (unless saved/uploaded to ppweb/hold)
Added archive autoqueue - extract, process and autoqueue archived (zip/rar) nzb's
Added NzbTrim - preprocess function auto edits and creates custom nzb's.
Added a NzbDir switch - SaveDir(/SubDir)/nzb-name/files or SaveDir(/SubDir)/files
Added NZBGet delayed par check/repair
Added web interface configuration for PPWeb
Added automatic path configuration to web interface
Added a title edit field for the download log
Added color coding to html nzbget log
Fixed par2 and unrar not exiting on abbreviated runs :-(busted since day 1)
Fixed busted upload functions (sample and hold)
Fixed false split avi detection (sample.avi.par2)
Fixed Rename SubDir exclusions :-(busted since 7/21)
Switched from rename to to File::Copy move (renames when it can)
Split the script into four files
nzbgetpp.pl - pre and post processing
nzbget_ppweb.cgi - web interface
nzbget_ppw.pm - shared functions
nzbget_ppw.conf - shared config
Added search and edit functions for the download.log
Added an edit view switch for the hold directory
Added joined split avi detection and split avi joining functions
Improved PPWeb par check/repair of multiple collection nzb's
Improved auto renaming for unlabeled episode and multiple collection nzb's
Hold directory name edits no longer require $Rename = 1;
Location redirects are now full, server variable based, URLs
Edit pages now redirect to themselves (easier multiple edits)
Script path/name hardcoding removed (again)
Lots of text implying "nzbget" directory-name hardcoding changed to $NZBGet
Manually entering the script URL (no args) no longer returns a 500 error
7/23/08 - 2: Fixed 'nfo filename in title' sampling bug.
7/23/08: Fixed a couple of hold/sample directory issues. Added a hold directory rename function.
7/21/08: Numerous tweaks, fixes and improvements. The most notable addition to the web interface is the ability to save/download all nzbs (zipped or not) to the nzbget/hold directory (new location, see upgrade.txt). Nzbs in the hold directory can be queued whenever you want and files with the extensions you specify can be saved to any directory you want. The later can be done without the web interface if you're using nzbget-0.5.0-testing (see categories.txt).
With nzbget-0.5.0-testing, you no longer need to use the web interface "Queue" link when saving nzbs to nzbget/nzb subdirectories (zips still require hitting the Queue link unless you upload them with PPWeb) .
With nzbgetweb-1.1-testing you can also save all your nzbs to the root (or any) nzb directory and move them to $Subdir categories using the web interface. Use the same names for $categories (settings.php) as you use for $Subdir (see categories.txt).
This release was a bit rushed because NZBGet 0.5.0 busts PPWeb 6/29 hold/sampling functions.
6/29/08: Fixed issues with running the script as an independent post processor (sans nzbgetweb). Web links are now relative (index.php mod is now cut and paste) and the script no longer needs to be in /ppweb. All logs are now in /ppweb/logs (see upgrade.txt). Added more info to the README.
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PPWeb is a complete web based Usenet application built around NZBGet and NzbgetWeb. PPWeb allows you to browse, track, manage and fully automate newsgroup downloads. PPWeb can automatically check for new nzb's matching TV show and movie watch list entries, download, queue and prioritize any matching nzb's to categories, download the nzb contents (or sample it and then resume or delete it), extract and repair any archives, move wanted files to desired locations and delete any unwanted files.
Nzb's can also be queued with a single click from local browse and search result pages, or directly from newznab sites. All categories at all supported nzb sites can be browsed and searched. TV and video browse pages are updated automatically when PPWeb checks for new nzb's at scheduled intervals. PPWeb currently supports Nzbsorg, Nzbtv, Nzbsin, Nzbsu, Dognzb, Pwnzb and Binsearch. Its fairly easy to add/support any Newznab based site and I'll add any that allow free RSS/API access (however limited).
PPWeb keeps a few simple databases. It keeps a small (e.g. 359KB after 9+ years) searchable database of all downloads. While it's primary purpose is dupe prevention, the editable entries include download status, links to TV (show/episode) or movie info and a description field. The other databases cache movie and TV info (quicker episode title look-ups, etc.).
PPWeb is designed to be setup, configured and maintained using the web interface. PPWeb includes a slightly modified NzbgetWeb and is pre-configured to be self-contained and as easy to get going with as possible. PPWeb is written in Perl and should work on any *nix system. While I use it on the private side of a public server, PPWeb seems to be used on routers and NAS appliances more than anything else.
Web server (apache, lighttpd, etc.)
CGI.pm (perl-cgi pkg, sometimes included w/ perl pkg)
LWP::UserAgent (perl-libwww pkg)
NZBGet binary
PHP (php/php-cgi pkg) - NzbgetWeb only
unzip (unzip pkg)
unrar (unrar/rarlinux pkg... unrar-free only if --help includes kb switch)
par2 (par2cmdline/par2 pkg)
svn (svn/subversion pkg) - auto update only
see also: Perl Modules
related: WFNzb

If you can use Subversion (svn) for the download, updating your install can be done with a single click. To do a Subversion install, do a svn checkout to the desired DocumentRoot or host sub-directory (e.g. /ppweb).
svn checkout http://ppweb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk /your/doc_root/ppweb
It's seldom up to date, but you can also install PPWeb by downloading a tarball.
Note: The repository has changed from davelers to googlecode.
See the README.1st file for initial setup instructions (also in the parent directory). I highly recommend that you follow the readme and leave the default settings alone until you have PPWeb working. PPWeb is not an add-on, it is a complete self-configuring and self-contained package. Let PPWeb configure and set itself up before making any configuration changes.
To update an svn install to the latest version, just click the "u" link in the "PPWeb (u)" menu heading.
To update a manual install, download the latest revision and manually replace all or changed files before clicking the "u".
While I try to keep things functional for others, PPWeb has a lot of features I don't use. If something doesn't work as expected, you have to let me know. If you have problems or questions please post them to the Questions topic in the How-to category.
See also: How-to, New, svn web interface and change log.
[ page | comments (14) - Tuesday, 13-Oct-2009 | top ]
svn checkout http://ppweb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk /your/doc_root/ppweb
It's seldom up to date, but you can also install PPWeb by downloading a tarball.
Note: The repository has changed from davelers to googlecode.
See the README.1st file for initial setup instructions (also in the parent directory). I highly recommend that you follow the readme and leave the default settings alone until you have PPWeb working. PPWeb is not an add-on, it is a complete self-configuring and self-contained package. Let PPWeb configure and set itself up before making any configuration changes.
To update an svn install to the latest version, just click the "u" link in the "PPWeb (u)" menu heading.
To update a manual install, download the latest revision and manually replace all or changed files before clicking the "u".
While I try to keep things functional for others, PPWeb has a lot of features I don't use. If something doesn't work as expected, you have to let me know. If you have problems or questions please post them to the Questions topic in the How-to category.
See also: How-to, New, svn web interface and change log.
[ page | comments (14) - Tuesday, 13-Oct-2009 | top ]

Nzbget Pre and Post processing functions (nzbgetpp.pl).
NzbProcess (...currently handled by wfnzb.cgi)
Extracts archived nzb's and autoqueues all nzb's
Timestamps of nzb's extracted from archives are made current (so they autoqueue)
Can autorename nzb's, i.e.the download directory name (and extracted files if so configured)
Can create custom sized sample nzb's (2-9 rars)
Can autoedit nzbs - customized removal of unwanted files (e.g. samples :-)
Extracts single and multiple collection downloads (including nested subs)
Collections can be downloaded on one machine and autoextracted on another machine
Can extract archives that fail par check (missing subs, sample or non rar files)
Can do par check, fetch (only what's needed) and repair (requires nzbget >= 0.4.1-r184)
Extracted files can be saved to custom directories (e.g. Movies, TV, etc.)
Optional Nzb name and TV show name subdirectories (e.g. TV/Show)
Files can be autorenamed to 'movie title cd.ext', 'show title ep.ext' and 'nn - song.ext'
Optional episode title lookups (e.g. Show nnn - title.avi)
Can save or delete rars, pars and other customized file extensions
[ page | comments (5) - Monday, 15-Aug-2011 | top ]
NzbProcess (...currently handled by wfnzb.cgi)
Extracts archived nzb's and autoqueues all nzb's
Timestamps of nzb's extracted from archives are made current (so they autoqueue)
Can autorename nzb's, i.e.the download directory name (and extracted files if so configured)
Can create custom sized sample nzb's (2-9 rars)
Can autoedit nzbs - customized removal of unwanted files (e.g. samples :-)
Extracts single and multiple collection downloads (including nested subs)
Collections can be downloaded on one machine and autoextracted on another machine
Can extract archives that fail par check (missing subs, sample or non rar files)
Can do par check, fetch (only what's needed) and repair (requires nzbget >= 0.4.1-r184)
Extracted files can be saved to custom directories (e.g. Movies, TV, etc.)
Optional Nzb name and TV show name subdirectories (e.g. TV/Show)
Files can be autorenamed to 'movie title cd.ext', 'show title ep.ext' and 'nn - song.ext'
Optional episode title lookups (e.g. Show nnn - title.avi)
Can save or delete rars, pars and other customized file extensions
[ page | comments (5) - Monday, 15-Aug-2011 | top ]

Pre and Post processing, Web interface functions (nzbget_ppweb.cgi... and wfnzb.cgi).
Upload nzb's (nzb, zip or rar) to category, hold or Sample directories
Manage all nzbs using the hold directory (rename, category queue, etc.)
Download, view and resume or delete custom samples
Manage the download directory (delete, move and remote proceess)
View nzbget, server and ppweb logs as web pages... currently a wfnzb.cgi function
Search and edit the customized database... currently a wfnzb.cgi function
Browse htmlized nfo's and samples
Start and stop NZBGet daemon
Auto configuration of all scripts and programs (ppweb_update.cgi)
One click update to latest PPWeb version (ppweb_update.cgi)
Manual configuration of all settings using NzbgetWeb
[ comment | link | top ]
Upload nzb's (nzb, zip or rar) to category, hold or Sample directories
Manage all nzbs using the hold directory (rename, category queue, etc.)
Download, view and resume or delete custom samples
Manage the download directory (delete, move and remote proceess)
View nzbget, server and ppweb logs as web pages... currently a wfnzb.cgi function
Search and edit the customized database... currently a wfnzb.cgi function
Browse htmlized nfo's and samples
Start and stop NZBGet daemon
Auto configuration of all scripts and programs (ppweb_update.cgi)
One click update to latest PPWeb version (ppweb_update.cgi)
Manual configuration of all settings using NzbgetWeb
[ comment | link | top ]

Change Log
Changes are now in the svn log.
Added optional status.log and NzbgetWeb PP status block
Added program variables to ppweb.conf/cft (allows /path/to/prog)
Fixed inadvertently deleted line in last update (found by supergills)
Fix NzbMatrix search (their keyword highlighting broke it)
WFNzb auto updates no longer mark old entries as 'seen' (grayed)
Added "Mark seen" links to go with the above (manual updates do it automatically)
Added ep title lookup to split nzb function (if EpTitle=yes)
Constrained Db lookup for missed eps to current season (was all/any)
Added 'Sn( )En(n)' format to title parser (another nzbs.org anomaly)
WFNzb and the Db now support season entries ('Show sNN', watch/seen)
When Show sNN is added to Db, any matching 'Show nnn' listings/nfos are deleted
Changed how nested rars are handled to prevent potential same name overwriting
Added HoldDir option for auto downloaded nzbs (TvNzbs and VidNzbs)
Added season bundles to TV watch (sNN for 'last ep', splitable nzb saved to HoldDir)
Added missing NzbsRus 'downloads left' log message (reported by supergills)
A final PP message is now sent to nzbget(web) even when NzbgetLevel < 3
Added WFNzb "Update this page" function/links
WFNzb manual site updates now return to site default page
Added year field to WFNzb video watch list (existing lists will be auto updated)
Fixes for per collection remote par fetch/repair (unpause and parent par name)
Consolidated some duplicate watch list functions - many more to go :(
Fix for .1 files not being deleted (side effect of par-less rar set fix)
Added Nzbs.Org to WFNzb (supergills helped w/ testing/fixes)
Added remote extraction links for delayed remote sample processing
Fixed watch list missing new episodes when titles have SnnEnnEnn labels
Fixed remote par-fetch not finding par-names containing special characters
Fixed potential par-less rar set extraction failures (reported by supergills)
Fixed WFNzb choking on KB sized nzb site listings
Fixed potentially erroneous NzbMatrix 'downloads left' count (typo found by supergills)
Fixed DelExt's not always deleted (found by supergills)
Relaxed remote par-fetch regex to allow for lying nzb's (quoted file-names != actual)
Added SaveExt 'all' option.
Added optional TV episode title lookups to Rename (EpTitle)
Added sorting to hold directory listing
Added NzbSplit function to hold directory (multiple TV episodes > individual)
Redid log viewing functions, e.g. views default to page bottom (latest entries)
Remote extraction logging is now merged with main ppweb.log
Reformatted configuration file can be edited from NZBGetWeb
Download db is now category/nzb based (was ext/file based)
Remote extraction is now collection based and setup has been simplified
Added scan option for all PPWeb handled nzbs (NzbDirInterval can be 0)
... lots of other changes including the addition of the WFNzb scripts
Added ShowDates nzb auto rename (Show nnn - ep title)
Fixed remote extraction bug (multiple collections)
Fixed avimerge bug (misplaced trigger)
Added TvDir - automated sub-directories for TV series (none/all/list)
Added remote processing for custom samples (SampleDir enables)
Fix for remote repair bug (_brokenlog) also speeds up remote repair
Added remote post processing (includes par check/repair when needed)
Added NZBGet queue cleanup (unused par removal)
Added support for archives containing multiple nzb's (untested)
Added some debug messages and tweaked a few things
Requires NZBGet >= 0.6.0-testing-r247
Categories now use nzb/subdirectory autoqueue (VS nzb/nzb-name category.nzb)
All nzb's are now preprocessed and autoqueued (unless saved/uploaded to ppweb/hold)
Added archive autoqueue - extract, process and autoqueue archived (zip/rar) nzb's
Added NzbTrim - preprocess function auto edits and creates custom nzb's.
Added a NzbDir switch - SaveDir(/SubDir)/nzb-name/files or SaveDir(/SubDir)/files
Added NZBGet delayed par check/repair
Added web interface configuration for PPWeb
Added automatic path configuration to web interface
Added a title edit field for the download log
Added color coding to html nzbget log
Fixed par2 and unrar not exiting on abbreviated runs :-(busted since day 1)
Fixed busted upload functions (sample and hold)
Fixed false split avi detection (sample.avi.par2)
Fixed Rename SubDir exclusions :-(busted since 7/21)
Switched from rename to to File::Copy move (renames when it can)
Split the script into four files
nzbgetpp.pl - pre and post processing
nzbget_ppweb.cgi - web interface
nzbget_ppw.pm - shared functions
nzbget_ppw.conf - shared config
Added search and edit functions for the download.log
Added an edit view switch for the hold directory
Added joined split avi detection and split avi joining functions
Improved PPWeb par check/repair of multiple collection nzb's
Improved auto renaming for unlabeled episode and multiple collection nzb's
Hold directory name edits no longer require $Rename = 1;
Location redirects are now full, server variable based, URLs
Edit pages now redirect to themselves (easier multiple edits)
Script path/name hardcoding removed (again)
Lots of text implying "nzbget" directory-name hardcoding changed to $NZBGet
Manually entering the script URL (no args) no longer returns a 500 error
7/23/08 - 2: Fixed 'nfo filename in title' sampling bug.
7/23/08: Fixed a couple of hold/sample directory issues. Added a hold directory rename function.
7/21/08: Numerous tweaks, fixes and improvements. The most notable addition to the web interface is the ability to save/download all nzbs (zipped or not) to the nzbget/hold directory (new location, see upgrade.txt). Nzbs in the hold directory can be queued whenever you want and files with the extensions you specify can be saved to any directory you want. The later can be done without the web interface if you're using nzbget-0.5.0-testing (see categories.txt).
With nzbget-0.5.0-testing, you no longer need to use the web interface "Queue" link when saving nzbs to nzbget/nzb subdirectories (zips still require hitting the Queue link unless you upload them with PPWeb) .
With nzbgetweb-1.1-testing you can also save all your nzbs to the root (or any) nzb directory and move them to $Subdir categories using the web interface. Use the same names for $categories (settings.php) as you use for $Subdir (see categories.txt).
This release was a bit rushed because NZBGet 0.5.0 busts PPWeb 6/29 hold/sampling functions.
6/29/08: Fixed issues with running the script as an independent post processor (sans nzbgetweb). Web links are now relative (index.php mod is now cut and paste) and the script no longer needs to be in /ppweb. All logs are now in /ppweb/logs (see upgrade.txt). Added more info to the README.
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